Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!


*Photo: Nuno Vieira*

    This project (or adventure, if you prefer) started with this photo you can see above, when I decided to enter a competition to win some Dr. Martens, which I almost won. At this point I thought it could be a lot of fun to start a blog and show my style, as a new hobby. The truth is I never enter a project with high hopes and this one wasn't an exception, actually when I was 15 I tried to create a blog and Lookbook, but failed miserably. Besides failing I also gave up, well not this time though and I don't plan to either! (And I know my family and boyfriend won't let it happen!)
    My "problem" is being obsessed with perfection, although I know it's impossible to achieve I try my best in every post. Even if just a few people see it I still want them to experience quality content! With experience we become wiser, therefore I'll keep blogging and improving as much as I can!
    As I said before, I see this blog as a hobby! I truly don't claim for fame, popularity, hypes, followers or fans, just some feedback (good or bad). In the beginning I felt like I was doing it in vain, because no one would give an opinion, so for me getting to read a comment means a lot now! Knowing what people think about what I'm trying to start here is amazing and really rewarding. I really don't care about numbers or views, just sincere opinions and at the end of the day this is only a hobby, a fashion diary, so everything that comes along with it is extraordinary.
    Highlight from this 4 months blogging: being featured in My Fashion Insider by Nádia Sepúlveda as one of her 5 favorite underrated portuguese bloggers (here). I couldn't ask for a better gift this year, I don't remember being so excited over something as I was that day over that post. Speechless, not enough "Thank you's" for that jaw dropping surprise!
    To sum up, I wish all my readers and friends a Happy New Year, dress what you like, what makes you feel comfortable and most of all don't listen to what all the haters have to say! I wish you all the best and hope 2013 brings happiness, health and new opportunities, you'll see it will be an even better year than 2012!

Now let's go celebrate!

A huge kiss/ hug,


  1. happy new year .. im feeling you, dear.. i exactly share the same sentiments.. hugs /... 2013 wll be our year



Hi, my name is Filipa. I'm a 18 year old girl passionate about fashion and arts, therefore I'm anxious to share with you my style and taste.



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