Monday, December 31, 2012

*Photo: Nuno Vieira*

    This project (or adventure, if you prefer) started with this photo you can see above, when I decided to enter a competition to win some Dr. Martens, which I almost won. At this point I thought it could be a lot of fun to start a blog and show my style, as a new hobby. The truth is I never enter a project with high hopes and this one wasn't an exception, actually when I was 15 I tried to create a blog and Lookbook, but failed miserably. Besides failing I also gave up, well not this time though and I don't plan to either! (And I know my family and boyfriend won't let it happen!)
    My "problem" is being obsessed with perfection, although I know it's impossible to achieve I try my best in every post. Even if just a few people see it I still want them to experience quality content! With experience we become wiser, therefore I'll keep blogging and improving as much as I can!
    As I said before, I see this blog as a hobby! I truly don't claim for fame, popularity, hypes, followers or fans, just some feedback (good or bad). In the beginning I felt like I was doing it in vain, because no one would give an opinion, so for me getting to read a comment means a lot now! Knowing what people think about what I'm trying to start here is amazing and really rewarding. I really don't care about numbers or views, just sincere opinions and at the end of the day this is only a hobby, a fashion diary, so everything that comes along with it is extraordinary.
    Highlight from this 4 months blogging: being featured in My Fashion Insider by Nádia Sepúlveda as one of her 5 favorite underrated portuguese bloggers (here). I couldn't ask for a better gift this year, I don't remember being so excited over something as I was that day over that post. Speechless, not enough "Thank you's" for that jaw dropping surprise!
    To sum up, I wish all my readers and friends a Happy New Year, dress what you like, what makes you feel comfortable and most of all don't listen to what all the haters have to say! I wish you all the best and hope 2013 brings happiness, health and new opportunities, you'll see it will be an even better year than 2012!

Now let's go celebrate!

A huge kiss/ hug,

Sunday, December 30, 2012

*All photos from*

The truth is I had these photos in a file for a long time now, because I needed them (actually just the first one) for a school work about analyzing a portrait. The reason why I saved all of them lies in the superbness of them. You might know Hedi Slimane as the creative director for Saint Laurent Paris, but we must admit he stands out in photography as well. His portraits remind me of Avedon's aesthetics, the way he captured emotions, instants, the dark and obscure side of people, the light, the minimalism, the black and white, the psychological portrait. It looks like an invitation to his daily routine and relationships, this intimacy is noticeable in the name he gave to his website: Hedi Slimane Diary. It's all about combining an astonishing sense of aesthetics with a personal interpretation of the portrayed, he decides what we'll see and know about the person or the place, he controls the atmosphere, the light and the perspective. We can't do anything but look at what he(di) wants to show us, even if it looks plain simple at the first time it never is, simplicity is the most complex thing to achieve and it can be tricky.  


Thursday, December 27, 2012


*Photos by my sister*

Beanie - Versace Sport // Jumper - Zara // Skirt - Zara // Purse - Zara // Lipstick - Kiko

Except for the beanie, everything else were Christmas gifts. The purse was a gift from my little sister and the skirt and jumper were a (perfect) gift from my boyfriend. It kinda feels like an all american outfit. Hope you like it!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Shopper - Zara // Red Lipstick and lip pencil - Kiko // Trousers, skirts and jumpers - Zara // Purse - Zara // Clear Folder - Pórtico // Ring - Calvin Klein

Hey! I hope you had an awesome Christmas with your family, friends, pets...and food! Yes, food (specially Christmas sweets, nhami). This year I got more gifts than ever, not sure what happened. I mean, my mom must have bought the whole Zara store. Not to mention what my boyfriend gave me, I'm wearing the whole outfit right now (a jumper and a skirt). Last night was full of surprises, even my sister gave me something (the gorgeous white purse above). Wow, I might as well enjoy it, because it probably won't happen again any time soon.

What about yours? Tell me everything! 


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chelsea Boots - Oysho (here)

Finally! I had been looking for some Chelsea Boots since September and here they are. Yes, they are neither black nor white, seriously I don't even know how to call this colour. Is it pale pink or camel? It's not that important either. 
I had to order them online, because they didn't even get to a store, so I was a bit afraid they wouldn't fit me. Well, they do and they are super comfy! Who would think Oysho had shoes with this quality and design? It reminds me a bit of what you can buy at Cos.

Do you like them?


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bomber Jacket - Ted Baker // Pullover - Thrifted // Tracksuit pants - Zara // Necklace - D.I.Y. Ribbon Necklace

You have probably been wondering who takes these great photographs, therefore meet Nuno Vieira (a.k.a. my boyfriend). He's one of the most talented persons I know and has an enormous (almost scary) sense of aesthetics as you can see. He's also that one person who encourages me everyday to keep doing what I love, if it wasn't for him this blog wouldn't have lasted this long! His work deserves recognition, so (if you can and want) take some time to look at his projects. I promise you, it won't be a waste of time!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

*Photos: Nuno Vieira (here)*

I was looking at all the Christmas gifts as I noticed some of the ribbons were really pretty. My instinct made me put one of them around my neck and *pliiing* new idea for a D.I.Y. An easy one, like I love. You can just tie them around your neck or sew a button on one of the extremities and cut a buttonhole on the other. Ready in less than 5 minutes and it causes a great visual impact!

Hope you liked my D.I.Y. with a Christmas feeling to it!


Sunday, December 16, 2012


(Feel free to translate this interview, since it is too long for me to do it. You can see the whole collection here)

    Desde cedo o nome «Estelita Mendonça» mereceu a nossa atenção, nesta sua última colecção de Primavera/Verão 2013 deu-nos provas disso. Deu que falar quando foi apresentada no Portugal Fashion, valeu o reconhecimento do seu designer nos prémios da FashionTV (enquanto novo talento) e levou-o a Madrid. Nos últimos dias não se fala de outra coisa, mas afinal quem é Estelita Mendonça e quais os seus ideais?
    Mais uma vez (a outra podem ver aqui) o meu grande amigo Bernardo Cunha conseguiu uma entrevista exclusiva com este designer do Norte, planeada já há algum tempo. 
    Como só ele o sabe fazer, aqui fica mais uma belíssima e íntima conversa. Bom resto de Domingo!

Bernardo Cunha: Boa tarde João. Gostaria de lhe colocar a seguinte questão: qual foi a sensação de receber o prémio de novo talento por parte da FashionTV ?

Estelita Mendonça: Foi óptima. Não estava de todo à espera e é sempre bom vermos o nosso trabalho reconhecido desta forma.

B.C.: A sua colecção transmitiu-me a ideia de um homem moderno, downtown e muito easy-going. É essa a função desta colecção?

E.M.:  Sim, a colecção passa especialmente pelo trabalho  de uma ideia conceptual  de um edifício arquitectónico em tecido e a partir daí acho que só um homem realmente muito urbano e easy-going é que a consegue utilizar.

B.C.: Qual foi o objecto que o inspirou na criação desta colecção?

E.M.: Antes de mais foi uma tenda de campismo, como é visível na colecção , mas também o trabalho de uma artista plástica conceptual, que se chama Lucy Orta, dos anos 90 e que trabalha também com tendas de campismo.  Esta artista forma esculturas urbanas, a partir daí acho que foi mais fácil chegar à ideia de tenda como forma de vestuário.

B.C.: Então podemos dizer que esta é uma roupa nómada, porque a tenda de campismo é algo que vai e vem e para em qualquer lado.

E.M.: Sim, aliás já na colecção passada, de Inverno, era um bocado essa a ideia. Baseou-se na influência que tem toda a cultura e o meio em que se vive quando se é emigrante. Tenho bastantes amigos que foram para fora procurar trabalho em arquitectura, por exemplo. São trabalhos que necessitam de alguma inspiração e interessou-me a tentativa de perceber como se consegue inspiração num lugar que não é a nossa casa. Foi um bocadinho essa a ideia e a partir daí foi muito fácil começar nesta onda mais nómada de ir buscar um bocadinho aqui, um bocadinho ali, sem cair no básico…

B.C.: Sem cair no gipsy, nos ciganos, no kitsch…

E.M.: Sim, e não só. Quando se fala em nómada ou quando se diz «vou buscar inspiração a vários países» há muito aquela coisa de ir para o básico, como o italiano, os bordados japoneses ou o cetim. Tentei ir buscar o menos lógico para conseguir chegar lá.

B.C.: A tenda é um lugar no meio da natureza onde uma pessoa pode descansar e sentir-se a salvo. As suas roupas são um lugar no meio da floresta urbana onde um homem se pode sentir salvo?

E.M.: Acho que sim, pelo menos é essa a ideia e a tentativa da colecção. Aliás a tenda parte do pressuposto que é a protecção do ser humano, exactamente o mesmo pressuposto de todas as peças de roupa. Portanto é essa a ideia, sentirmo-nos seguros e salvos no meio da cidade.

B.C.: Que tipo de homem veste Estelita Mendonça?

E.M.: Eu gostaria de saber isso também, mas a ideia é ser um homem bastante urbano, sem qualquer tipo de preconceitos e com uma capacidade elevada de interligação de temas e de conceitos.

B.C.: Vou-lhe fazer uma pergunta que já lhe devem ter feito várias vezes: quando vê um homem vestido dos pés à cabeça com a marca Estelita Mendonça qual é a sua reacção?

E.M.: Já me aconteceu e foi uma das pessoas que eu mais estimo no mundo da moda, o Miguel Flor , fiquei histérico. Fiquei a olhar para ele e a pensar «Acho que conheço esses calções e essa camisa e esse cinto. Não me acredito que vieste assim.» Foi uma sensação bastante boa, se bem que a ideia também é que se possa comprar peças e conjuga-las de outra forma, mas quando se vê o look total, a ideia toda num espaço que se frequenta é incrível.

B.C.: Voltando agora à colecção  Primavera/ Verão, qual é a solução para os tecidos, estes novos tecidos aliás, estamos a falar de um denim com borracha, de um nylon, de tecidos mais leves como o poliéster nas calças. Qual é a relação com a tenda para além de ser impermeável, como os tecidos são?

E.M.: Ora bem, a tenda é um poliéster com um tratamento de impermeabilização e a ideia aqui foi tentar encontrar e usar tecidos que fossem confortáveis e que não saíssem do mesmo tipo de material. Por isso fui buscar o poliéster que é bastante leve e que é quase um algodão. A tenda não é necessariamente confortável, torna-se confortável pelo seu tamanho e por nos conseguirmos mexer lá dentro, mas o tecido em si é frio e não oferece conforto. Quanto ao resto dos materiais, acho que não há nenhum na minha colecção que possa dizer que realmente não é confortável.

B.C.: Muito obrigada pelo seu tempo.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

*Photos: Nuno Vieira*

Coat - Zara // Turtleneck - Zara // Zip Up Hoodie - Next // Suit Trousers - Zara // Shoes - Marques' Almeida

Friday, December 7, 2012

*Photos: courtesy of (here)*

Is there anything else to add? The collection speaks for itself. Let's just cross our fingers and hope his Balenciaga era exceeds all our wildest expectations. Is it too much to ask for this young designer? I'm curious! What will he come up with next? This wooden staircase sure represents he's moving up!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Photos: Nuno Vieira (Flickr)

Beanie - H&M // Scarf - H&M // Bomber Jacket - Ted Baker // Tank Top - Next (Old) // Trousers - H&M // Shoes - Doc Martens

Sunday, December 2, 2012

    Last Christmas I got my first pair of clear sunglasses from fun&basics, but I don't wear them as much as I should. Therefore this post will be like a reminder, so that I start wearing them more often. Let's see if it works. What do you think? 

Would you buy some?


Monday, November 26, 2012

    I had never tried shooting portraits before, because cameras kind of scare me, but this time I had to do it. The model (Maçã) helped me tremendously, I mean look at her, beauty is not enough to describe her! 
    I'm posting her photos here and here, since I'm truly proud of myself and love the end result. It's not even near Avedon's work, true, but for someone who never ever learned how to photograph and is used to working mainly with textiles, not bad. 
    Most of all I think it's very Fii: simple, genuine, minimal, melancholic. What do you think? <3


(edited - photos removed)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Coat - Zara // Turtleneck - Zara // Trousers - H&M //  Ankle Boots - Zara // Sequins Clutch - Zara

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Photos: Nuno Vieira

Beanie - Versace Sport // Bomber - Ted Baker // Turtleneck - Zara // Skirt - D.I.Y. Givenchy Skirt // Trousers - H&M // Sneakers - Miguel Vieira (Vintage)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nanna van Blaaderen - Commissioned

Take a look at the rest of his stunning work here


Saturday, November 10, 2012

*Photos: Carolina Fonseca*

Beanie - Versace Sport // Bomber Jacket - Ted Baker // Turtleneck Jumper - Zara // Skirt - Self-made // Sneakers - Miguel Vieira Vintage

     I never ever wear makeup, but today I felt like wearing red lipstick again. Not sure if it works on my face, though. What do you think? 


Friday, November 9, 2012

Photographs: Nuno Vieira (Flickr)

Beanie - H&M // Turtleneck - Zara // Coat - Zara // Trousers - H&M // Oxfords - Eureka

  This post is all about not wearing expensive clothes from the greatest fashion brands and still looking sophisticated and elegant. It's not about the brands or the price you pay for the clothes, it's about being creative and having a good sense of aesthetics. Stop focusing all your attention on where the pieces come from and start being intelligent! The less resources you have the more original and creative you become! Therefore if someone bugs you, because you don't have a wardrobe full of Prada, Burberry or Alexander Wang pieces, don't worry! You probably have a better taste than those ignorants, because you know how to do intelligent shopping and styling! 
     Oh! Btw. do you like my new coat? 


Sunday, November 4, 2012

     Nicholas Alan Cope is THE contemporary master of photography! The photographs have a subtle classic touch, almost like Bernini's sculptures. Actually these models do look like sculptures carefully worked on, every pleat looks planned and strategically lightened. His work is almost too perfect to be human. Take a look at the rest here, it's worth your time!


P.S.: I've already ordered the coat, because it was sold out at the store. In the next 3 to 5 days it will arrive and have a special place in my closet! Can't wait!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Coat - Zara (here)

        I've had my eyes on this coat for a long time now, thanks to my boyfriend. This is definitely THE perfect winter coat. It's nude, sporty, clean, sophisticated, elegant, oversize, everything I love in a (hand made) coat. Plus it's not that expensive! 
          Hopefully it will be featured in my next post!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

        Richard Kilroy's work is breathtaking... seriously stunning! I love how he focus his attention on the realistic faces and little details from the clothing. It's pure minimalism, because it has the essential information and that's it, nothing more nothing less! The clothes are drawn by the outlines and other structuring lines, but never completely filled and finished. He gives you a hint of how it looks like so that you complete it with your own imagination. It's not easy to leave white elements in an illustration, it takes skills and aesthetics to know where it works. White is hard to work with, it needs texture and richness to stand out. Kilroy uses it when doing illustrations for Alexander McQueen, Rick Owens, Dior, Acne, Versace, Jil Sander, and the list goes on and on!
       I have to do some illustrations as well, therefore I'm hoping they end up as close to these as possible! If they do, I might consider posting some!
       Now tell me, what do you think? Do you like it?




Hi, my name is Filipa. I'm a 18 year old girl passionate about fashion and arts, therefore I'm anxious to share with you my style and taste.



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